What is HEC-6T?
“Sedimentation in Stream Networks” (HEC-6T) is an enhancement of the U.S. Government Computer Program “Scour and Deposition in Rivers and Reservoirs” (HEC-6). HEC-6T is a proprietary program owned by MBH Software, Inc.
There are many features in HEC-6T that are not in the Library Version of HEC-6. Some of the most significant features that are in HEC-6T that are not in the Library Version of HEC-6 are:
- Plotting with MBH’s Plotter.
- Calculating flow around islands and into distributaries.
- Simulating sedimentation processes following dam removal.
- Calculating long-term sedimentation processes with stream restoration.
- Calculating channel widening with degradation.
- Calculating local outflows as percentages of approaching discharges.
- Simulating dredging at specified rates with disposal into water column.
Who can HEC-6T help?
- People studying rivers for the purpose of channel restoration, flood control, navigation, environmental enhancement, stable channel design, reservoir capacity studies, and irrigation and drainage canals.
- People studying dam removal or relicensing.
- People involved in the movement of sediments at Superfund sites.
- People studying the containment of mine tailings.
- People studying watershed sedimentation processes following a fire.
What can HEC-6T provide?
- It calculates the water surface and bed surface profiles.
- It simulates the 5 basic processes of sedimentation:
- Erosion
- Entrainment (moving particles from the boundary into the water column)
- Transportation (moving particles along with the flow of water)
- Deposition (particles settling out of the water column onto the boundary)
- Compaction of the deposits (squeezing the water out and making the deposits more dense)
When is HEC-6T helpful?
- In project formulation, when sedimentation is the significant issue, use HEC-6T to evaluate alternatives.
- In design and operation, use HEC-6T to evaluate reliability and maintenance.
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